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Literacy in Africa : It’s in our own hands

Type du document: Ouvrages
Thème abordé dans le document: Alphabétisation; Education des adultes; Jeunes; Politique d'éducation;
Nombre de pages : Non precisé
Date de publication : Non precisé
Edition du document : Non precisé
le(s) auteur(s) du document :
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Resumé du document : In this article, the author presents a fundamental problem, which is the lack of interest on the part of many African governments vis-à-vis the literacy of their Young adult population. This is a population where more than 50% is usually illiterate. It is not only a problem of lack of political will, but a lack of political consciousness: African leaders must be conscious of the fact that illiteracy in youth and adults is the most formidable obstacle to growth and sustainable development of African nations. For the author, the discussion on what should happen after 2015 shows that the attention of education providers on the issue of successful learning in primary school may make adult literacy even more of a problem. For a long time to come, Africa is likely to remain one of the richest continents with the poorest people.

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