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Informations détaillées sur le document de titre:
Empowering Women Through ICT

Type du document: Liens externes
Thème abordé dans le document: Développement humain; Femmes (genre); Outils de Communication; technologies de l'information et de la communication;
Nombre de pages : Non precisé
Date de publication : Non precisé
Edition du document : Non precisé
le(s) auteur(s) du document :
Source vers le document: disponible à l'adresse web :Voir en ligne
Resumé du document : "ICT and women are not mutually exclusive subjects in Africa. Nnenna Nwakanma – herself a successful business woman in the ICT industry – describes how chances are growing for women to use the potential offered them by the new technologies to facilitate communication, manage small enterprises, participate in joint decisionmaking processes, and preserve African heritage. The greatest benefit that women can derive from information and communication technology, however, is in furthering their own education and that of their children. This improves their capacity to achieve human rights, promote political stability, and secure gender justice." Reproduced from: dvv international, Adult Education and Development, # 76, 2011, p 23. Interwiev of Nnenna Nwakanma, "Moving Things Forward – Step By Step. Empowering Women Through ICT", Adult Education and Development, # 76, 2011, p 29 to 31. dvv international s

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