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Nous avons 389 documents dans cette thématique
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Decentralisation in West Africa
Various recommended books for polities and development in West Africa.
Type : Ouvrages
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Rural Social Movement in the Age of Globalisation
Civil society and social movements programme paper Nr. 7 from UNRISD
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Entre la gestion par le marché et gestion territorial pour le PARAMO de CULEBRILLAS?
Un diagnostic pluridisciplinaire...<br>
Type : Ouvrages
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Forum Regarding the Mexico-EU
For EU, the infacts or benefit of the Agreement have been very favorable
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LE CAS DE ACCORD DANS LES PAYS DU SAHEL DE L'AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST.<br /> Plusieurs interrogations persistent de nos jours quant aux instruments et institutions légales (juridi-co-politique) mises en place pour prevenir et gérer les conflits...
Type : Ouvrages
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Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support
Promote methodology and their achievements in raising the level of corporate giving in their countries.
Type : Ouvrages
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Field Facilitators Guidelines for Small-Scale Forest
Suitable guidelines recommended for helping small entrepreneurs in order to develop natural resource products more effectively.
Type : Ouvrages
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Constitution Rights of Women in Selected Countries
Explicit recognition of women's equal rights in selected countries.
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Debt Relief
Institutional arrangements for overseeing the debt relief process should include a formal role for civil society.
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Measuring Development
The rural approach to measure results of the work done in social projects in India. Seva Mandir Newsletter
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Gender Publications
Various Publications from Oxfam about Gender.
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Building with the Community
This publications of WEDC will be a great interest to engineers, technicians and project managers.
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Microfinance and HIV/AIDS
Helping to Improve Donor Effectiveness in Microfinanace and HIV/AIDS. Document Published by The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP).
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UN Millennium Development Library
Various kind of publications from Earthscane on millennium goals.
Type : Ouvrages
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"South-South" Learning Exchange for Client Capacity Enhancement
Client feedback survey in Africa complains and would like to see greater involvement by beneficiaries and local project experts in project design to ensure that country conditions are better taken into account.
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Atelier: Comment amener le financement au village?
L'idée centrale proposée par l'atelier est de partir du village, à l'origine de la demande et non plus de la ville oû réside l'offre....
Type : Ouvrages
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Participatory processes and gender in Thailand's water resources Sector
Promoting water resource in Asia by different officialised strategies.
Type : Ouvrages
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Rural Economic Organizations in Bolivia
Looking at the future and strantegy for small farmers in country like Bolivia in the context of the globalization of exchanges.
Type : Ouvrages
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Policy Report on Women and Development
Publish Report on Gender and Development, 10 Years after Beijing. FORTHCOMING UNRISD BOOK
Type : Ouvrages
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Communicating Health
Vital book recommended for all who have to plan programmes to improve the health of their communities. It informs you what is currently best practice in developing countries and gives details of approaches from industrialised countries. By, Dr John Hubley.
Type : Ouvrages
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